"Family ties are bound by love"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A day to remember or forget?

February 17th

Four years ago today~I watched Chelsea drive off to school, then bound through the door after school to head down to her room to turn on her music. We then heard her voice as she told us about her plans for the night. A few hours later, she left all bundled up and excited to go on her date, but didn't leave before saying, "I LOVE YOU MOM!" That moment is priceless for me, for it was the last time I would hear those words from her for a long time. Oh how I miss that girl of mine.
Each year I wonder what feelings this day will bring, and so far, each year has been the same. Thoughts flood my mind of the events of that day~ before and after. It is hard to recall the moments following the dreaded phone call , because from that moment on our lives forever changed.
But, we try to focus on some things we have learned.. like:
Heavenly Father's tender mercies were upon us.
Faith is a continual process
Chelsea is still very much a part of our daily lives
The Temple brings peace and joy more than anywhere else

We love you Chelsea, thank you for being such a beautiful daughter, and such a perfect example of trusting in God's will.


veronica said...

She's a beautiful girl. Her light still shines.
Love you Wendy!

Hess Family said...

She touched us all and will forever hold a piece of our hearts. She was a beautiful, exemplary daughter of God. We love you and were thinking of you today.

Sarah said...

I have said this time and time again, but I guess that's cause it's true. From the moment I sat in the High Council Room with Pres. Hansen as he told me of Chelsea's story and why I was being called to serve at that time, I have been in complete awe of you and your incredible family. What amazing examples you all are of a Christ-like family, of endurance, and of accepting Heavenly Father's will. I feel so blessed to know you, to have had a chance to be in Chelsea's Presence and to learn from each of you. Thank you for the love and friendship you have extended to me. I love you. I just know Heavenly Father's choicest blessings will be yours. Thanks for letting me be a part of your life! And thanks for sharing Chelsea with all of us!

Aimee said...

Thinking of you...

I wish I had known her. But I do know that I can still learn from her by watching you and your family. Thanks for that!

Tiffany said...

Oh Wendy,
I can't even the imagine the agony of losing a precious child. You are my idol. I don't even know if you realize what an example you are to me of courage, strength, selflessness, beauty, grace, and Christ-like love. My heart aches for your incredible loss everyday and I'm so thankful that families are forever.

Ash said...

We always keep you and your family in our hearts everyday and love you so much I feel fortunate to have you in our lives.

afacer said...

Nothing more to say than "LOVE YOU!"

Stonez said...

I cherish my memories with you and your family and think of you all often...wish I knew the younger ones better :/ I wish we were all still near each other going camping and stuff!! And trying to brainwash our HS grads to get married so we can be grandmas together too :) I guess all memories are important...the sadder ones making the happy ones even richer and more cherished!
Miss my buddy! You're awesome!