I absolutely love this time of year. Warm weather, budding plants, green grass and blue skies.
I don't know if it was for the amazing messages from Conference last week, or the fact that I had to teach part of the Young Women lesson today, but my testimony of the Savior and the Atonement and the Resurrection was overwhelming today! What an amazing gift to us. For all will be resurrected! "The young and old, bond and free, male and female, wicked and righteous.. to its perfect frame... That the mortal body is raised to an immortal body..that they die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies.. never to be divided; thus becoming spiritual and immortal." (Alma 11:42-45) What hope and comfort that brings, what joy I feel knowing that!! I truly have a testimony of this.
After church we enjoyed Easter Sunday dinner! I still had a little "umph' in me from our world travels, and felt the need to make dinner "egg"stra special. We had a honey ham, scalloped potatoes, rolls, and 7 layer salad. Yum yum. I had fun decorating the table too.
I found these paper lanterns at Dollar Tree and hung them above the table with fishing line.. it added just the right touch.
Even though the kids are teenagers.. we still had Easter baskets and an egg hunt. Rich made it very hard!! It took them forever to find the last few. Inside were treats, a few $1.00 bills, and some free passes for getting out of chores. But I also put in some, "treasures" or reminders that we can't buy.. "You are loved" " Heavenly Father loves you" "Our Family can be Forever" " "You are a Child of God" Then we talked about the importance of these truths and how they are the real treasures in our lives, but we have to look for and seek for them to KNOW for ourselves.
Great day, knowledge of blessings, a Savior who paid the price and is a perfect example, a forever family.. ( thoughts of being with Chelsea again) and enjoying family time together. Priceless.
You have such a beautiful family! What a special Easter Sunday! I know that sometimes I tend to take holidays like this for granted when really this is probably the most sacred holiday of them all...we were given soooo much at such a great cost....I believe that He died not only for us to be together "someday", but so that our loved ones can always be in our midst. My Dad told me once that when we get to heaven, we are going to be amazed at how close the Spirits on the other side truly were to us throughout our lifetimes. He said they never really leave us....that just feels right to me....I believe it's what a loving Heavenly Father would do.
You are the best mom EVER! I want to be like you when I grow up...now I just need to grow up! Your family is BEAUTIFUL, especially on a beautiful spring day! I love your effort (your tables, your trips) you put into everything you do for your family. You are such a wonderful example. Kim L
Super cute family picture!
Loved reading about your Spring Break festivities! You are just too cute. :) (and you have way to much energy!)
wahoooo you are so cute!!! I wanna be a mom like you! Next time why don't you share the fun ideas in advance so we, I, can copy you and make my kids think I'm radical!! ;]
Oh my wendy you are to cute! I love you! love the blog too!
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